Executive Director's Conference Room
Thursday, March 12, 2015
- 6:00pm
Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.
Notes from Superintendents meeting:
1. The Special Services Johnson County INSPIRE program was discussed. Several of the sending corporations are already participants in this program and encouraged C9 to get involved. The program is for special needs students who are still enrolled in high school after their class has graduated. At Central Nine the students would be enrolled in one of our programs while either taking classes at their home school or working off campus.
2. Enrollment of home school students was discussed. Some of our sending districts allow home school students to enroll and some do not. Central Nine receives calls on this subject from parents every year. Currently C9 follows the policy of the sending school in which the requesting student lives.