Governing Board Meeting

James Hixson Board Room
Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 7:00pm

    1. Pledge and Welcome
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

    3. Items of Action - ACTION
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    3.1 Approval of the Property Casualty Insurance Plan
    Dr. Edds

    3.2 Approval of the 2015-2016 Budget
    Dr. Edds
    • General Fund
    • Transportation
    • Capital Projects

    3.3 Approval of the 2015-2016 High School Non-Certified and Administrative Pay Scales

    3.4 Permission to Transfer Appropriations within each fund as part of Fiscal Year-End Process
    Cindy Payton

    3.5 Approval of the 2015-2016 Tuition Billings

    3.6 Approval of New Program Offerings

    3.7 Approval of the 2015-2016 CERT Agreement

    4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
    Dr. Edds

    4.1 2015-2016 Meeting Dates

    4.2 Superintendent Meeting Notes

    There was not a superintendents' meeting in June due to a conflict with the IACTED summer conference.



    4.3 Upcoming Events and Dates
    • June 22-26, 2015 - SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference - Louisville, KY
    • June 23-28, 2015 - HOSA National Leadership Conference - Anaheim, CA
    • July 15-18, 2015 - HSTW Conference - Atlanta, GA
    • July 27-28, 2015 - Teacher In-Service Days
    • July 29, 2015 - First Student Day
    • Next Governing Board Meeting:  July 9, 2015 




    5. High School Division Update
    Nicole Otte & Lawrence Courtney
    • No Report due to Summer Break

    6. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information
    Michelle Davis

    6.1 Request Approval of the 2015-2016 Adult Education Budget

    6.2 Approval of Adult Education Personnel Report

    6.3 Approval of Adult Education Stipend

    6.4 Adult Education Monthly Update

    7. Board Member Comments

    8. Public Comments

    9. Adjournment
