Governing Board Meeting

James Hixson Board Room
Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 7:00pm

    1. Pledge and Welcome
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

    2. Program Showcase - Auto Collision Repair
    Edward Callico, Instructor

    4. Items of Action - ACTION
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    4.1 Approval of Board Policy Revisions

    4.2 Request Approval to Increase Substitute Pay Rate
    • Current rate per day:  $65.00
    • Proposed rate per day:  $70.00

    5. Director's Comments and Items of Information
    Dr. Edds

    5.1 Facilities Update
    John Showwalter

    5.2 Staff Performance Evaluation Plan - 1st Reading

    5.3 Superintendent Meeting Notes
    Dr. Edds

    Areas of discussion:

    Upcoming board agenda

    Increase in substitute teacher pay

    TIF districts

    Health Insurance 

    Director search for C9

    5.4 Event Schedule

    5.5 Upcoming Events and Dates
    • Advisory Board Banquet - September 17, 2015
    • Fall Break - October 12-23, 2015
    • Special Executive Meeting:  September 22, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Director's Conference Room
    • Next Governing Board Meeting:  October 8, 2015 - Program Showcase:  Automotive Service Technology




    6. High School Division Update
    Nicole Otte, Lawrence Courtney & Glenn Weil

    7. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information
    Michelle Davis

    7.1 Adult Education Personnel Report

    7.2 Adult Education Monthly Update

    8. Board Member Comments

    9. Public Comments

    10. Adjournment
