Governing Board Meeting

James Hixson Board Room
Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 7:00pm

    1. Pledge and Welcome
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

    2. Program Showcase - Auto Service Technology
    Instructors: Bill Clark and Steve Owen

    4. Items of Action - ACTION
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    4.1 Approval of Revised School Billings

    4.2 Approval of Staff Performance Evaluation Plan

    5. Director's Comments and Items of Information
    Dr. Edds

    5.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes
    Dr. Edds

    Discussion Items:

    1. Billing for the current school year

    2. State funding and Form 30A submission

    3. Director search

    5.2 October Students of the Month

    5.3 Upcoming Events and Dates
    • Fall Break - October 12-23, 2015
    • College Day at Central Nine - November 6, 2015
    • Next Governing Board Meeting:  November 12, 2015 - Program Showcase:  Electronics Computer Networking & Early College Presentation




    6. High School Division Update
    Nicole Otte, Lawrence Courtney & Glenn Weil

    7. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

    8. Board Member Comments

    9. Public Comments

    10. Adjournment
