Governing Board Meeting

James Hixson Board Room
Thursday, November 12, 2015 - 7:00pm

    1. Pledge and Welcome
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

    2. Program Showcase - STEM Camp Overview
    Mike Paprocki & Karin Graves

    4. Items of Action - ACTION
    Mr. Greg Waltz, President

    4.1 Approval of Course Additions
    • 2nd year of Cosmetology
    • Exercise Science

    4.2 Approval for Out of State Travel
    Nicole Otte

    TCTW Leaders Forum - February 1-4, 2016 - Charleston, SC

    5. Director's Comments and Items of Information
    Dr. Edds

    5.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes
    Dr. Edds
    • No Meeting held in November

    5.2 November Students of the Month

    5.3 Upcoming Events and Dates
    • Thanksgiving Vacation - November 25-27, 2015 
    • Prospective Student Open House - December 3, 2015
    • Next Governing Board Meeting:  December 10, 2015 - Program Showcase:  Landscape Management/Horticulture Technology




    6. High School Division Update
    Nicole Otte, Lawrence Courtney & Glenn Weil

    7. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

    8. Board Member Comments

    9. Public Comments

    10. Adjournment
