Governing Board Meeting

James Hixson Board Room
Thursday, July 13, 2017 - 7:00pm

    1. Pledge and Welcome
    Mr. Michael Metzger

    Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

    3. Items of Action - ACTION

    3.1 Request Approval of Organizational Chart
    Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

    3.2 Request Approval of Staff Handbook
    Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

    3.3 Request Approval of Student Handbook

    3.4 Request Approval of Board Policy Revisions
    Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

    3.5 Request Approval of Construction Trades Building Lot

    3.6 Request Approval of 2017-18 School Billings
    Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

    3.7 Request Approval of Director's Salary Increase
    Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School Corporation

    4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
    Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

    4.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes
    • No meeting scheduled in July

    4.2 Upcoming Dates and Events
    • Teacher In-Service- July 25-26, 2017
    • First Day for Student - July 27, 2017
    • Next Governing Board Meeting - August 10, 2017

    5. High School Division Update
    Mr. Mike Quaranta - Assistant Director
    • No report due to summer break

    6. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

    7. Board Member Comments

    8. Public Comments

    9. Adjournment
