Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Michael Metzger

Mission Statement: Central Nine exists to engage and empower students by providing career-based instruction in an innovative learning environment.  We make an IMPACT on our students' personal and professional SKILLS, which enables them to succeed in post-secondary and career opportunities.

3. Items of Action - ACTION

3.1 Approval to Remove Items from Fixed Inventory

3.2 Approval for Out of State Travel
Mr. Mike Quaranta - Assistant Director
  • Ed Callico - I-CAR Advisory Council Meeting - Chicago, IL  9/26/17-9/27/17

4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

4.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes

Present: BG - Kaiser, CG - Arkanoff, CP - Spray, GW - Todd Pritchett (Asst. Supt.), NHJ - Edsell, Perry - Bob Bohannon (Asst. Supt.)

  • Incentive Dollars - Preliminary CTE Incentive funds were presented to Superintendents, as well as guidance on use of funds from 2016-17.  Official announcement and fund levels will be distributed by DOE in the coming weeks.
  • District #37 Agreement - The state has indicated that all CTE Agreements around the state will be analyzed and reviewed during the 2017-18 school year.  Our current agreement was distributed to all Board Members to review.  As guidance and professional development are provided by the state, we will begin work on updating our Agreement.
  • Enrollment Numbers - The current and historical enrollment numbers were shared with superintendents.
  • There was brief discussion on Informal Bargaining, and some of the topics that have come up at Central Nine.
  • Other topics discussed included IT Assistance at C9, recent Property/Casuality Insurance request letter, and an update on the Construction Trades Lot situation for 2017-18.


4.2 Policy Review - 1st Reading
  • Note:  Teacher Appreciation Grant Policy was Discussed with the exclusive representative prior to adoption on 8/1/2017

4.3 Greenwood Monthly Article

4.4 Upcoming Dates and Events
  • Open House for Current Students - August 15, 2017 - 6:30p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Labor Day - No School
  • Next Governing Board Meeting - September 14, 2017 / Program Showcase:  Veterinary Careers

5. High School Division Update
Mr. Mike Quaranta - Assistant Director

5.1 End of Year Extra Curricular Report

5.2 High School Division Report

6. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

7. Board Member Comments

8. Public Comments

9. Adjournment