Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Greg Waltz, Board President

This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.
Mission Statement:  Central Nine exists to engage and empower students by providing career-based instruction in an innovative learning environment.  We make an IMPACT on our students' personal and professional SKILLS, which enables them to succeed in post-secondary and career opportunities.  


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Mr. Greg Waltz.  Mr. Waltz welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Others in attendance:  April McManus, representing Beech Grove City Schools;  Mike Quaranta, Assistant Director; Michelle Davis, Adult Education Director; Steve Owen, Central Nine Teacher's Association Representative, and Laura Showalter, Benefits Coordinator/Executive Assistant.

Mr. Waltz asked if there were any additions/corrections to the agenda.  None presented.



2. Program Showcase - Culinary Arts
Video Presentation


The Board was presented with a video presentation from the Culinary Arts Department.

4. Approval of Consent Agenda Items

5. Old Business

5.1 COVID-19 Guidelines Update


Dr. Kovach shared that the only change to the guidelines is that gators or bandanas are no longer allowed as face coverings effective December 10, 2020.

6. Items of Action - ACTION

6.1 Request Approval of Request for Information (To obtain an architect)


Dr. Kovach requested approval of the Request for Information to obtain an architect for the proposed facility project.  Dr. Kovach shared that he has shared this document with legal counsel and if approved will be posted publicly. 


Steve Johnson moved for approval to move ahead with the Request for Information.  Brian Bair seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

6.2 Request Approval of the Revision to the 2020-2021 School Calendar


Dr. Kovach requested approval of the revision to the 2020-2021 school calendar.  He explained that due to COVID pandemic, we are unable to have the in person evening open house on December 10, 2020.  The open house will be moved to a virtual Open House in January.   The instructors would need to make that 1/2 day up so it is proposed that the 1/2 day be moved to January 4, 2020, creating a full day of in-service for our instructors.  

Brian Bair moved for approval of the revision to the 2020-2021 School Calendar.  Joe Hubbard seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

6.3 Request Approval to Remove Fixed Assets from Inventory


Dr. Kovach requested approval to remove 7 vehicles that are no longer being used in the Automotive Service Technology Program from the fixed inventory.  He explained that the vehicles are no longer relevant for the updated curriculum.    

April McManus moved for approval to remove Fixed Assets from Inventory.  Joe Hubbard seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.


7. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. William Kovach, Director

All notes are addressed throughout agenda and in superintendent meeting comments.

7.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes

We discussed the potential move for other schools/districts to move to full virtual due to COVID.  We agreed to support C9 in its efforts to stay open at least in the hybrid schedule even if more schools go completely virtual.  Bus transportation will still be provided if that happens.

C9 will stay in hybrid schedule and stay open with hopes to go back to full, in-person mode when the situation allows for it.

Superintendents agreed to continue the process for the potential C9 building project.  After the RFI generates an architect C9 plans to gather representatives form each district to have Jane Herndon, the architect, and a financial frim lay out the scope of the project, a timeline, potential costs, and options to move forward with project if approved.  


Dr. Kovach shared the Superintendent Meeting Notes with the Board (listed above).

7.2 December Students of the Month


The Board was presented with the December Students of the Month.

7.3 Upcoming Dates and Events
  • December 18, 2020 - Last Day for Teachers/Students
  • January 4, 2021 - Teacher In-Service
  • January 5, 2021 - Classes Resume
  • Next Governing Board Meeting:  January 14, 2021 - Program Showcase:  Health Science I & II


Dr. Kovach shared the upcoming dates and events.


8. High School Division Update


Mike Quaranta shared the High School Division Update (attached).

9. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

9.1 Approval of Adult Education Personnel Report


Michelle Davis requested approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report.

Brian Bair moved for approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report as presented.  Joe Hubbard seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

11. Public Comments


None presented.

12. Board Member Comments


The Board thanked the Culinary Arts Department for the delicious desserts they provided.


12.1 Recognition of Governing Board Service - Brian Bair and Aaron Lamb
Dr. William Kovach, Director


Dr. Kovach and the Governing Board presented Brian Bair and Aaron Lamb with a plaque for their dedicated service to the staff and students of Central Nine Career Center.

13. Adjournment


With no further business, Brian Bair moved for adjournment at 8:08 p.m.