Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Greg Waltz, President

Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

3. Items of Action - ACTION

3.1 Approval of Revised School Billings

3.2 Approval of American Fidelity as the Section 125 Representative

3.3 Approval of ECA Bank

3.4 Removal of Fixed Asset from Inventory

4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

4.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes

4.2 October Students of the Month

4.3 Upcoming Dates and Events
  • Fall Break -October 10-21, 2016
  • College Day - November 4, 2016
  • Next Governing Board Meeting - November 10, 2016  

5. High School Division Update

7. Board Member Comments

8. Public Comments

9. Adjournment