Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Greg Waltz, Board President

This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.
Mission Statement:  Central Nine exists to engage and empower students by providing career-based instruction in an innovative learning environment.  We make an IMPACT on our students' personal and professional SKILLS, which enables them to succeed in post-secondary and career opportunities.  


The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mr. Greg Waltz, President.  Mr. Waltz welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Others in attendance:  Mike Gehrich, Aviation Director Vincennes University; Cameron Vonderwell, Certified Flight Instructor Vincennes University; Matt Edwards, Central Nine Aviation Instructor; Steve Owen, Automotive Instructor and C9TA President; Corinna Vonderwell, Student Service Coordinator; Melanie Carpenter, Student Service Coordinator; and Laura Showalter, Benefits Coordinator.


Dr. Kovach stated that an addition to the Agenda in the Consent Agenda Items/Personnel Report.  He stated that Renae Bomar, Exercise Science Instructor submitted her resignation at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  Mike Metzger moved for approval of the addition to the Personnel Report.   Brian Bair seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

2. Program Showcase - Medical Assisting
Lisa Pfeiffer
  • Peyton Church-Southport High School
  • Samantha Augsburger-Franklin Central High School
  • Hannah Pratt-Franklin Central High School


Mrs. Pfeiffer introduced her students who then shared a PowerPoint outlining their program.  The students then demonstrated how injections are given.  

The Board thanked the students for their presentation and wished them well in the future.

3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items


Steve Johnson moved for approval of the Consent Agenda Items as presented.  Joe Hubbard seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

3.1 Financial Report and Claims

3.2 Personnel Recommendations

3.3 Minutes for Approval

4. Items of Action - ACTION

5. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. William Kovach, Director

-Open house Thursday, January 30th 6-7:30 PM

-Currently registering second year students

-Starting a mentor program for students who are struggling 


Dr. Kovach presented the Director's Comments (listed above).

5.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes
  • No meeting held


No meeting held.

5.2 January Students of the Month


Dr. Kovach presented the Board with the January Students of the Month.

5.3 Upcoming Dates and Events

January 20, 2020 - Martin Luther King Day - No School
January 30, 2020 - Prospective Student Open House - 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Next Governing Board Meeting:  February 13, 2020 
Program Showcase:  Dental Careers


Dr. Kovach shared the upcoming dates and events.  (listed above)

6. Old/New Business


Joe Hubbard gave an update on the initiative to honor Andrew St. John.  He reported that he met with his wife and she is very appreciative that Central Nine would honor her husband.  He plans to meet with her in the near future to iron out the details of the dedication ceremony.  

7. High School Division Update


Mike Quaranta shared the High School Division Update (attached). The Board requested that the partner schools are made aware of the upcoming Open House.

7.1 Enrollment Update
Melanie Carpenter & Corinna Vonderwell


Melanie Carpenter & Corinna Vonderwell gave an enrollment update (attached).

7.2 Aviation Update
Corinna Vonderwell


Corinna Vonderwell, Student Services Coordinator, introduced Mike Gehrich, Director of Aviation of Vincennes University, Matt Edwards, Central Nine Aviation Instructor;  Cameron Vonderwell, Certified Flight Instructor at Vincennes University and Zak Dash Central Nine Aviation Alumni.  She explained that by partnering with Vincennes University Central Nine will now be offering summer classes to our students.  The program is now a 2-year program offered to Juniors and Seniors with a maximum enrollment of 30 students for both Operations and Maintenance.  All Tool Kits are provided by Vincennes University.  She also was excited to share that our students now will be flying a total of 15 hours.  The Board was very thankful for the work they have done to expand the program. 

8. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

8.1 Approval of Adult Education Personnel Report


Michelle Davis presented the Adult Education Personnel Report for approval.  

Brian Bair moved for approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report as presented.  Aaron Lamb seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

8.2 Request Approval of Out of State Travel
  • 2020 COABE National Conference - May 5-8, 2020 - Baltimore, MD


Michelle Davis moved for approval of the out of state travel to Baltimore, MD for seven Adult Education Employees.  

Dawn Downer moved for approval of the out of state travel.  Aaron Lamb seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

8.3 Request Approval of Stipend for AE Professional Development Facilitators


Michelle Davis requested approval of the Stipend for Adult Education Development Facilitators.  

Steve Johnson moved for approval of the Stipend for the AE Professional Development Facilitators.   Dawn Downer seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.



10. Public Comments


Michelle Davis stated that after speaking to each of the Board Members she has decided to run for House Representative in District 58.

11. Board Member Comments


The Board requested an update on the State Board of Accounts Audit.  Dr. Kovach stated that they finished today and the Exit Interview will be held on January 23, 2020.   

Dr. Kovach gave an update on the progress to the Construction Trades home following the fire.  He shared that the restoration company still had a few remaining items to finish up.   


12. Adjournment


With no further business, Aaron Lamb moved for adjournment at 8:13 p.m.