Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Greg Waltz, Board President

This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.
Mission Statement:  Central Nine exists to engage and empower students by providing career-based instruction in an innovative learning environment.  We make an IMPACT on our students' personal and professional SKILLS, which enables them to succeed in post-secondary and career opportunities.  


The virtual meeting was held on Google Hangout/Meet due to the COVID-19 Virus Social Distancing protocal.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Greg Waltz.  Mr. Waltz then explained that due to the virtual meeting, he explained that all motions would require everyone to individually due a role call vote.   Mr. Waltz then led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Those in virtual attendance:  Mike Quaranta, Assistant Director; Michelle Davis, Adult Education Director and Steve Owen, Central Nine Teacher's Association Representative.  The meeting was also broadcasted on Facebook Live for the public to view.



No additions or amendments were given for the agenda.

2. Approval of Consent Agenda Items


Joe Hubbard moved for approval of the Consent Agenda Items as presented.  Dawn Downer seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

Motioned: Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School Corporation

Seconded: Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School Corporation

Mr. Greg Waltz, Nineveh Hensley Jackson United School CorporationX  
Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township SchoolsX  
Mr. Brian Bair, Clark Pleasant Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Ryan Waggoner, Franklin Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City SchoolsX  
Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School CorporationX  

2.1 Financial Report and Claims

2.2 Personnel Recommendations
  • No Personnel Report

2.3 Minutes for Approval

2.4 Donations/Property Transfer

3. Items of Action - ACTION

3.1 Approval of 2020-2021 Perkins Grant


Dr. Kovach requested approval to submit the 2020-2021 Perkins Grant.  He stated that the grant amount remained the same as last year's grant of $707,000 .  

Dawn Downer moved for approval of the submission of the 2020-2021 Perkins Grant.  Brian Bair seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.



Motioned: Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School Corporation

Seconded: Mr. Brian Bair, Clark Pleasant Community School Corporation

Mr. Greg Waltz, Nineveh Hensley Jackson United School CorporationX  
Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township SchoolsX  
Mr. Brian Bair, Clark Pleasant Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Ryan Waggoner, Franklin Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City SchoolsX  
Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School CorporationX  

3.2 Approval to Extend Paid Leave Days for Employees Due to Extended School Closure
  • ECA Treasurer/Secretary
  • Payroll and Purchasing Specialist
  • High School Secretary
  • Technology Assistant 
  • Media Specialist
  • Facilities Assistant
  • Service Assistant
  • Adult Education Secretary
  • Instructional Assistants
  • Safety & Security Specialist


Dr. Kovach reminded the Board at the last meeting it was approved to pay non certified hourly staff members for 20 days.  He explained that some of the listed employees are getting ready to hit the 20 day allotment.  He requested approval from the Board to extend their pay until the end of the school year.  


A discussion was held on whether any staff members had already requested paid leave days for the remainder of the school year.  Dr. Kovach assured the Board that no one had requested any leave time.


Aaron Lamb moved for approval to extend paid leave days for employees due to the extended school closure.  Steve Johnson seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

Motioned: Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City Schools

Seconded: Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township Schools

Mr. Greg Waltz, Nineveh Hensley Jackson United School CorporationX  
Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township SchoolsX  
Mr. Brian Bair, Clark Pleasant Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Ryan Waggoner, Franklin Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City SchoolsX  
Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School CorporationX  

3.3 Resolution for Director to Sign for Construction Trades Home Closing


Dr. Kovach requested approval from the Governing Board to be able to represent Central Nine as the official representative to sign the documents at the closing of the Construction Trades Home.  


Joe Hubbard moved for approval for the Director to be authorized to sign all documents at the Construction Trades Home Closing.  Aaron Lamb seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0

Motioned: Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School Corporation

Seconded: Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City Schools

Mr. Greg Waltz, Nineveh Hensley Jackson United School CorporationX  
Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township SchoolsX  
Mr. Brian Bair, Clark Pleasant Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Ryan Waggoner, Franklin Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City SchoolsX  
Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School CorporationX  

3.4 Conflict of Interest for Andy Moore


Dr. Kovach requested approval of the Conflict of Interest Form for Andy Moore, Central Nine Landscape Management Instructor.  He stated that due to the school closure, we currently have no one to maintain the grounds.  Dr. Kovach obtained quotes from three different lawn care providers and his recommendation is to hire Mr. Moore's company to temporarily maintain the lawn until things are able to return to students cutting and maintaining the grounds.  

Dr. Kovach stated that the goal is to get Mr. Moore and his students back to a regular routine of mowing and maintaining the grounds as soon as possible.  A discussion was held regarding how hiring Mr. Moore's Lawn Care Company would affect his extended day contract.  Dr. Kovach stated Mr. Moore's extended teacher contract days would be used beginning at the end of May.  

Motioned: Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School Corporation

Seconded: Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township Schools

Mr. Greg Waltz, Nineveh Hensley Jackson United School CorporationX  
Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township SchoolsX  
Mr. Brian Bair, Clark Pleasant Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Ryan Waggoner, Franklin Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Joe Hubbard, Center Grove Community School CorporationX  
Mr. Aaron Lamb, Beech Grove City SchoolsX  
Ms. Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School CorporationX  

4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Bill Kovach, Director

-We have an accepted offer on the construction trades house.  If all goes well we will close May 1st.

-Next school year we would like to build a training house on campus for multiple programs to use in the future.  The house would be a kit house paid for using Perkins funding.  Construction trades would not use its funding.  We will use next school year to find a new lot to build for 2021-2022.

-While all personnel are out of the building we have two projects happening in the office area.  One is closing in the ECA treasurer's area with walls and a window for privacy and security.  The other is to build an office in the student services area for a potential data specialist position.  There is already a footprint of an office for this space.

-There are a handful of students who did not have devices to complete eLearning.  We have set up times for students to come pick up Chrome Books to borrow during this time.

-We are working through our capital projects requests from instructors and other staff members.  Cindy Payton and I will meet virtually with each person over the next few weeks and prioritize purchases to finish our school year.


Dr. Kovach shared the Director's Comments and Items of Information (listed above).

A discussion was held regarding the proposal of building a training house on campus for multiple programs to use in the future.  Dr. Kovach stated that monies from the Construction Trades program would not be used so that in the future the money would be there to build a new Construction Trades home.

4.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes

-I met with the superintendents virtually Monday.  We discussed formats for April board meetings, evaluations of certified and non-certified staff, eLearning, structure of school year through the end of the year, seniors, obtaining high school and college credit, and grades.


Dr. Kovach shared the Superintendent Meeting Notes (listed above).

4.2 April Students of the Month


Dr. Kovach shared the April Students of the Month (attached).

4.3 Upcoming Dates and Events

Next Governing Board Meeting:  May 14, 2020

5. High School Division Update
  • May 7, 2020 - Facebook Live Awards Day
  • Reminder of the School Year Calendars


Dr. Kovach shared the e-learning calendars for the remaining of the school year.  He also shared that Central Nine would be conducting a virtual Awards Day via Facebook Live on May 7, 2020.  

6. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

6.1 Approval of Adult Education Personnel Report
  • No Personnel Report


No personnel report to present.

7. Adult Education Monthly Update


Michelle Davis presented the Board with the Adult Education Monthly Update and an update on future Adult Education classes.

8. Public Comments


A public comment was received from Candice Brian Hosmer via Facebook "A lot of kids are seeing who are essential and will want to go to C9"

9. Board Member Comments


Joe Hubbard gave an update on the memorial program for Andrew St. John.  He stated that a decision to postpone would be made in the next two weeks.  

The Board thanked the staff for all of their hard work during these unusual times.  


10. Adjournment


With no further business, Brian Bair moved for adjournment at 7:52 p.m.