Meeting Details
February 11, 2021
James Hixson Board Room
This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.
Mission Statement: Central Nine exists to engage and empower students by providing career-based instruction in an innovative learning environment. We make an IMPACT on our students' personal and professional SKILLS, which enables them to succeed in post-secondary and career opportunities.
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Board President, Mr. Greg Waltz. Mr. Waltz welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Others in attendance: Michelle Davis, Adult Education Director; Frank Wormann, Construction Trades Instructor; Derrick Hartman, School Resource Officer and Laura Showalter, Executive Assistant/Benefits Coordinator.
Mr. Waltz asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. None presented.
Mr. Waltz asked for nominations for the following positions: Board President; Board Vice President; Board Secretary; Corporation Treasurer; and School Attorney.
Jill Laker moved that Joe Hubbard be elected the Board President. Dawn Downer seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Steve Johnson moved that Dawn Downer be elected as Board Vice President. Craig Koch seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Craig Koch moved that Mike Metzger be elected as Board Secretary. Greg Waltz seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Greg Waltz moved that Cindy Payton remain as the Corporation Treasurer and Ray Basile remain as the School Attorney. Jill Laker seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Joe Hubbard, President, requested a motion to elect the Board of Finance Officers.
Greg Waltz moved to elect the appointed President, Vice President and Secretary to the offices of the Board of Finance. Steve Johnson seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Steve Johnson moved for approval of the Governing Board Meeting Dates and Times for 2021-2022. Becky Nelson seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
The Board was presented with a video presentation from Precision Machining Program.
Derrick Hartman, School Resource Officer gave the Board a presentation on different initiatives that he has implemented since becoming the Central Nine Career Center School Resource Officer.
Dawn Downer moved for approval of the Consent Agenda Items as presented. Greg Waltz seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Dr. Kovach updated the Board that Central Nine is following guidance released from the Indiana State Department of Health regarding 3 ft. distancing in classroom as long as everyone is wearing a mask properly.
Dr. Kovach requested approval to hire Lancer + Bebe as the architectural firm for the facility project.
Mike Metzger moved for approval to hire Lancer + Bebe as the architectural firm for the facility project. Steve Johnson seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Dr. Kovach requested approval to designate a design review committee. He requested that Mike Metzger, Joe Hubbard and Greg Waltz to serve on the Design Review Committee as well as other Central Nine staff members designated by Dr. Kovach.
Craig Koch moved for approval of the appointments of the Design Review Committee as presented. Dawn Downer seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Dr. Kovach requested approval to purchase property for 2021-2022 school year for Construction Trades.
Dawn Downer moved for approval of the purchase of property for the Construction Trades program. Jill Laker seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Dr. Kovach requested approval of the E-Rate Category 2 projects that would replace the access points for Internet access throughout the campus. This project would be approximately $26,000 after the E-Rate discount. The Category 2 project would also allow us to set up an separate network for the IT/Computer Networking program. This would be approximately a $14,000 project.
Greg Waltz moved for approval of the E-Rate Category 2 Projects. Craig Koch seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Dr. Kovach moved for approval of the upcoming overnight travel dates for the School Resource Officer.
Jill Laker moved for approval of the overnight travel for the School Resource Officer. Dawn Downer seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
February 18th Cindy Payton and I will meet with Jane Herndon, Baker/Tilley, and our architect to start determining scope of project, potential timeline, cost, and cost per school district. This will lead into a larger meeting with representatives from each district.
February 25th I will present to the Franklin Community Schools school board during their retreat to answer questions about the potential C9 building project.
Wednesday I went to the house education committee's hearing on HB 1397 and spoke about certain parts to the bill that could be financially detrimental to CTE in Indiana (represented 9 and IACTED).
We will be interviewing for a new technology coordinator over the next week and hope to recommend a candidate soon.
We are monitoring the COVID trends and communicating with all schools to determine a potential re-open date for all students. March 1st is a target date if things keep trending as they have been.
Dr. Kovach shared the Director's Comments and Items of Information (listed above).
As a result of the NLPS implementation and questions for C9 and all districts, Mike Quaranta and I are setting up multiple meetings with the curriculum leaders for each district to work through best options for the students who choose CTE courses both at their home high school and at C9.
We discussed COVD decisions from the IDOH and what we will do in reaction to these.
If C9 does return to 100% in-person learning on March 1st, the schools are prepared to continue to provide transportation daily.
Dr. Kovach shared the Superintendent Meeting Notes (listed above).
Dr. Kovach shared the February Students of the Month (attached).
Dr. Kovach shared the upcoming dates and events with the Board.
A discussion was held regarding the start time of the March 11, 2021 Governing Board Meeting.
Greg Waltz moved for approval to move the March 11, 2021 Governing Board Meeting to 7:00 p.m. Mike Metzger seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Dr. Kovach presented the Board with the Board Policy Revision for a 1st Reading. He stated that he would bring them back to the March 11, 2021 meeting for a second reading and approval.
Dr. Kovach shared the High School Division Update (attached).
Michelle Davis requested approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report.
Dawn Downer moved for approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report as presented. Greg Waltz seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.
Michelle Davis shared the Adult Education Monthly Update (attached).
Michelle Davis complemented Dr. Kovach for his assistance in helping her understand the CTE world in regards to her position as State Representative.
It was the consensus that a Board picture would be taken at the March 11, 2021 meeting.
With no further business, Mike Metzger moved for adjournment at 8:42 p.m.