Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Greg Waltz, Board President

This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.

Mission Statement: To engage, support, and empower students by providing active, career-based learning in an experiential environment.


The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by President, Mr. Greg Waltz.  Mr. Waltz welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Those in attendance:  Mike Quaranta, Assistant Director; Jim Prince, Diesel Instructor; Alvin Bible, C9TA Representative; Corinna Vonderwell, Student Service Coordinator; Michelle Davis, Adult Education Director and Laura Showalter, Executive Assistant/Benefits Coordinator.

Dr. Kovach requested two additions to the agenda.  He stated that Item 5.1 Request for Out of State Travel the attachment was attached after the agenda and Item 8.2 had been added after the agenda was posted.

Jill Laker moved for approval of the additions to the agenda. Linda Polesel seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

2. Program Showcase - Diesel Technology
Jim Prince, Instructor


Mr. Prince, Diesel Instructor let his students introduce themselves and share what they have learned in the program.

3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items

4. Old Business

4.1 Update on Building Project


Dr. Kovach shared that both buildings are essentially ready.  He shared that we are working with the Greenwood inspector to make the welding building to be ADA compatible.  He stated that the cost would be around $60,000 to correct.  Dr. Kovach was hoping to have a change order to vote on.  He shared that this is what is holding us up on occupancy.  Dr. Kovach asked if the Board could vote on a dollar amount or hold a special meeting before the June meeting in order to get occupancy.  Mr. Waltz shared that there is more than just the ADA issue that needs to be corrected in the welding building.  

5. Items of Action - ACTION

5.1 Request Approval for Out of State Travel
  • Skills USA National Competition


Dr. Kovach requested approval for 2 adults and 6 students to attend the National SkillsUSA Competition in Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2024.

Steve Johnson moved for approval of the out of state travel.  Jill Laker seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

5.2 Request Approval of Endress + Hauser Memorandum of Understanding


Dr. Kovach explained that we are collaborating with Endress + Hauser on implementing a new hydroponics lab.  He shared the MOU and explained that it was reviewed by legal counsel.   

Linda Polesel moved for approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Endress + Hauser.  Jill Laker seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.


5.3 Request Change to 2024-2025 School Calendar


Dr. Kovach requested approval of a change to the 2024-2025 school calendar.  He explained that our Career Pathways instructor would like to combine the college and career days.  

Jill Laker moved for the revision of the 2024-2025 school calendar.  Linda Polesel seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

6. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. Kovach, Director

Total 2024-2025 Perkins allocation is $786,794.  Down about $14,000 from last year.


Dr. Kovach shared the Director's Comments and Items of Information (listed above).

6.1 Upcoming Dates and Events

May 23, 2024 - End of 4th Quarter/Last Day for Students
May 24, 2024 - 1/2 Teacher Records Day
Next Governing Board Meeting - June 13, 2024


Dr. Kovach shared the Upcoming Dates and Events (listed above).

6.2 1st Reading of the 24-25 Education and Operation Budgets


Dr. Kovach shared the proposed 2024-2025 Education and Operations budgets for a 1st reading.

7. High School Division Update


Mike Quaranta shared the High School Division Updated (attached).

8. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

8.1 Approval of Adult Education Personnel Report


Michelle Davis requested approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report.  

Jill Laker moved for approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report as presented.  Gary Robinson seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.

8.2 Request Approval of Donation to Adult Education from Southside Church of the Nazarene


Michelle Davis requested approval of the donation from Southside Church of the Nazarene.

Linda Polesel moved for approval of the donation to Adult Education.  Becky Nelson seconded the motion.  Motion passed 6-0.


9. Adult Education Monthly Update


Michelle Davis shared the Adult Education Monthly Update (attached).

10. Public Comments


None presented.

11. Board Member Comments


None presented.

12. Adjournment


With no further business, Jill Laker moved for adjournment at 7:46 p.m.