Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Bill Maschmeyer

Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.


The meeting was called to order by 7:00 p.m. by Board Vice President, Nick Schwab.  Mr. Schwab welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Others present:  Nicole Otte, Curriculum Director; Lawrence Courtney, Principal; Michelle Davis, Adult Education Director; Laura Showalter, Executive Assistant; Mike Paprocki, representing the Central Nine Teacher's Association and Brant Adkins with HGB Insurance.

2. Request for Additions or Amendments to Agenda


None presented.

3. Approve Consent Agenda Items

3.1 Financial Report and Claims

3.2 Personnel Recommendations

3.3 Minutes for Approval

3.4 Donations


Gwen Freeman moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items.  Chris Wood seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4. Items of Action - ACTION

4.1 Request Approval of the 2014-2015 Budget
Dr. Edds
  • General Fund 
  • Transportation
  • Capital Projects


Dr. Edds presented the Board with the Budget for 2014-2015 school.  He commended Mrs. Payton for excellent work in preparing the budget.  He explained that she was able to flat line the General Fund, Transportation and Capital Projects budgets with no increase to the sending schools.  A $2,000 increase has been budgeted for Highly Effective teachers and a $1,700 increase for Effective teachers, a 2% increase for Administrative salaries, an increase in salary for the Principal to $58,000 per year, 2% increase for non-certifed salaries, allowed for 5% increase for medical  insurance, an additional $10,000 to compensate instructors who attend student organization events, added a Culinary Arts and Criminal Justice position and added to half teacher positions that were previously paid through Perkins Grant.

Dr. Edds then presented the Board with a request for stipends for Adult Education employees.  He explained that ABE Coordinator is requested to be taken from a part time position to a full time position.  He stated that Michelle Davis was present to answer any questions.

Chris Wood moved for appoval of the 2014-2015 Budgets, Non-Certified, Administrative and Adult Education Pay Scales.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.2 Request Approval of Non-Certified Pay Scale and Administrative Contracts
Dr. Edds


See minutes for Agenda Item 4.1.

4.3 Permission to Transfer Appropriations with each fund as part of Fiscal Year-End Process
Cindy Payton


Mrs. Payton requested permission to transfer appropriations within each fund to balance out the fiscal year end.  This process is done annually.  No tranfers are made from fund to fund, only within each fund.

Beth Prindle moved to approve the request to transfer appropriations.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.4 Request Approval of the 2014-2015 Tuition Billings
Dr. Edds


Dr. Edds reviewed the Tuition Billing spreadsheets.  He explained the the July and September billings are calculated using a formula derived from our general fund bedget, pre-enrollment numbers and assessed valuations.  Billings will be adjusted after the September Count Day.  He also explained that the cost for out of district students is currently $4,144 per year but will report the new amount after count day totals are in.  

Gwen Freeman moved for approval of the 2014-2015 Tuition Billings.  Greg Waltz seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.5 Request Approval of 2014-2015 CERT Agreement
Dr. Edds


Dr. Edds explained that this is basically an agreement with CERT on the budget used.  He explained that he has met with the CERT group and determined that this agreement is in the best interest of both CERT and Central Nine. 

Greg Waltz moved for approval of the 2014-2015 CERT Agreement.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.


4.6 Approval of Property Casualty Insurance Plan
Dr. Edds


Dr. Edds presented the Board with the comparison report of the property and liablilty coverage for 2013-2014 vs. the 3 percent increase for 2014-2015.  He stated that Brant Adkins from HGB Insurance was present to answer any questions.  

Carol Tumey moved for approval of the proposed Property Casualty Insurance Plan.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.7 Request Approval to Purchase Lot for 2014-2015 Building Trades Project Home
Dr. Edds


Dr. Edds requested permission to purchase a lot for 2014-2015 school year.  He explained that an offer of $103,000 was received today for the house that was just completed.  The Board requested a profit margins stated showing the complete financial breakdown.  Dr. Edds assured the Board that he would provide that to them by the July Board meeting.  Dr. Edds then requested approval to accept the current offer and also purchase the lot for the 2014-2015 school year.  

Chris Wood moved for approval for Dr. Edds to accept the current offer on the Building Trades Project Home and to purchase the lot for the 2014-2015 school year.  Beth Prindle seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.


4.8 Approval of Organizational Chart
Dr. Edds


It was the consensus of the Board to table this item to the July or August Board meetings.  

Chris Wood moved to table the Organizational Chart.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.9 Approval of Modification to the Teacher Evaluation Tool
Dr. Edds


Dr. Edds presented the Board with a modification to the current Teacher Evaluation Tool.  He explained that a group of teachers from the association and the administration had met to look at the evaluation tool to ensure it was more reliant on the quality of instruction.  This required changes to the weights on certain domains.  Mike Paprocki, Association President was present to answer any questions. 

Gwen Freeman moved for approval of the modifaction to the Teacher Evaluation Tool.  Beatrice Dunn seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.10 Approval of Board Policy and Administrative Guidelines
Dr. Edds


Dr. Edds reminded the Board that they were given the Board Policies and Guidelines in June for a first reading.  He then requested approval.   

Gwen Freeman moved for approval of the Board Policy and Administrative Guidelines.  Greg Waltz seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.11 Approval of the 2014-2015 Student Handbook
Lawrence Courtney


Mr. Courtney presented the Board with the proposed Student Handbook for 2014-2015.  He stated that the handbook was reviewed to align with the sending schools handbooks.  

Gwen Freeman moved for approval of the 2014-2015 Student Handbook.  Greg Waltz seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.12 Approval of New Program Offerings
Nicole Otte


The Board was presented with the request for new program offerings for Central Nine and sending school program inventories.

Carol Tumey moved for approval of the new program offerings.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

4.13 Request Approval of the 2014-2015 Student Fee Schedule
Nicole Otte


The Board was presented with the 2014-2015 Student Fee Schedule.  Mrs. Otte explained that the fees are relatively close to what was charged in the past.

Greg Waltz moved for approval of the 2014-2015 Student Fee Schedule.  Chris Wood seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

5. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. Edds

5.1 2014-2015 Governing Board Meeting Dates and Times
  • Approval for Cindy Payton, Business Manager, to pay any and/or all bill as pre-written checks to be approved at the August Board meeting.


Dr. Edds requested to withdraw the recommendation to not have a July Board meeting.  He then presented the Board with the 2014-2015 Governing Board meeting dates and times.



5.2 Upcoming Events and Dates


  • Model Schools Conference, Orlando, FL  - June 22-25, 2014
  • High Schools That Work Conference, Nashville, TN  - July 16-19, 2014
  • Teacher In-Service Days - July 28-29, 2014
  • First Day for Students - July 30, 2014






The Board was presented with the upcoming events and dates.



6. High School Division Update
Nicole Otte & Lawrence Courtney


The Board was presented with the High School Division Update. Mrs. Otte shared that the CTE Innovations Grant has been submitted and Perkins Grant was submitted on May 28th.  Mr. Courtney updated the Board on upcoming contest events and also shared an article in a Machining magazine about Mr. Willoughby, his program, and his students.

7. Adult Education Division Update
Michelle Davis


Michelle Davis presented the Board with the AE Division Update. She also shared the new AE catalog and an update sheet on the recent Career Fair that was held on May 14, 2014.  

7.1 Request Approval of Adult Education Pay Scale


See minutes for Item 4.1.

8. Board Member Comments


Dr. Edds reminded the Board that on June 26, 2014, Central Nine is partnering with Endress & Hauser to have the first annual Education Career Forum to recruit young people into technical careers.  He invited them to attend the Forum at Endress Hauser beginning at 5:30 pm.

Carol Tumey thanked Dr. Edds for his leadership and dedication to the school.  

Greg Waltz expressed his gratitude to the Board for their support during his time of loss.


9. Public Comments


None presented.

10. Adjournment


With no further business, Gwen Freeman moved for adjournment at 7:37 p.m.