Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Greg Waltz, President

Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

3. Items of Action - ACTION

3.1 Approval of the Executive Director's Contract

3.2 Approval of the 2016-2017 Budget

3.3 Approval of the Property Casualty Insurance Plan

3.4 Approval of the 2016-2017 High School Non-Certified and Administrative Pay Scales

3.5 Permission to Transfer Appropriations with each fund as part of Fiscal Year-End Process

3.6 Approval of the 2016-2017 Tuition Billings

3.7 Approval of New Program Offerings

3.8 Approval of the 2016-2017 CERT Agreement

3.9 Approval of the Gang Activity and Internal Controls Policies

3.10 Approval to Remove Items from Fixed Inventory

3.11 Approval of the Updated Teacher Evaluation Tool

3.12 Approval for Building Lot Purchase

3.13 Approval of the 2016-2017 Student Fees

3.14 Approval to Conduct ECA Audit

4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. Edds

4.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes
  • No meeting held in June

4.2 Upcoming Dates and Events
  • July 25-26, 2016 - Teacher In-Service Days
  • July 27, 2016 - First Day of School for Students 

5. High School Division Update
  • No Report

6. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

7. Board Member Comments

8. Public Comments

9. Adjournment