Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Greg Waltz, President

Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.

3. Items of Action - ACTION

3.1 Approval of Memorandums of Understanding - Collective Bargaining Agreement

3.2 Approval of Appointment of Lessor Representatives

3.3 Approval for Out of State Travel

3.4 Removal of Fixed Assets from Inventory
  • 1996 Buick LeSabre
  • Bus #8

4. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Mrs. Nicole Otte, Executive Director

4.1 Superintendent Meeting Notes

Attendees: Dr. David Clendening, Dr. Kent DeKoninck, Dr. Tim Edsell, Dr. Paul Kaiser, Dr. Flora Reichanadter, Dr. Pat Spray

  • Shared IU Ed Leadership Cohort Program for Principal Licensure
  • Discussed Participating Agreement (last updated January 2013) and how that relates to out of cooperative schools, as well as qualifying students for programs
  • Discussion on 2017-18 calendars, and those that have finalized will share with us
  • Spent most of our time discussing Insurance rates and how that impacts employer/employee contributions with recent increases (SCIST)

4.2 End of Year Extra Curricular Report

4.3 ECA Review Final Report

4.4 Construction Trades Sale History

4.5 Upcoming Dates and Events
  • Current Student Open House - Tuesday, August 16, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Labor Day - No School - Monday, September 5, 2016
  • Next Governing Board Meeting - September 8, 2016 - Program Showcase:  Construction Trades 

5. High School Division Update

6. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

7. Board Member Comments

8. Public Comments

9. Adjournment