Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Chris Wood

Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.


Mr. Wood called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

2. Dedication of the James Hensley Shelter House
Mr. Chris Wood


Chris Wood presented the family of James Hensley with a picture of the memorial plaque that would be placed by the shelter house in memory of James Hensley.  Mr. Wood thanked the family for coming and praised Jim Hensley for his dedicated service to the students of Central Nine Career Center. 


Gwen Freeman moved to dedicate the Shelter House as the James Hensley Shelter House.  Howard Young seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

3. Request for Additions or Amendments to Agenda


Dr. Hagen informed the Board that the Personnel Report had been revised and referenced the request to make the part time Dean position to full time position including benefits.  

4. Approve Consent Agenda Items - ACTION

4.1 Financial Report and Claims

4.2 Personnel Recommendations


Dr. Hagen requested approval to make the current part time High School Dean position to a full time position with benefits.  He explained that this request would not increase the budget because the budget was flat lined again this year.

4.3 Approval of May 12, 2011 Minutes

4.4 Donations


Gwen Freeman moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items.  Beth Prindle seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

5. Items of Action - ACTION

5.1 Request Approval of the 2010-2011 Salary Schedule
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen informed the board that this is a salary schedule that is created every year to pay our teachers and that it is brought to the board for approval of the matrix.  He explained that the average reduction on the Bachelors scale is 1/2 percent and 1/3 percent on the Masters scale.  He requested approval of the salary schedule so that he can begin bargaining with the Teacher's Association.


Greg Waltz moved to approve the 2010-2011 Salary Schedule.  Beth Prindle seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

5.2 Request Approval of the 2011-2012 Budgets
Dr. Hagen & Mrs. Payton

General Fund, Capital Projects and Transportation


Dr. Hagen shared that the General Fund was flat lined and the Capital Projects and Transportation Budgets reflect the same figures that had been previously approved.  He explained that Cindy Payton had worked very hard to make this happen again this year. 


Bill Maschmeyer moved to approve the General Fund, Capital Projects and Transportation Budgets.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

5.3 Request Approval of the 2011-2012 Tuition Billings
Mrs. Payton

General Fund, Capital Projects and Transportation


Mrs. Payton reviewed the Tuition Billing spreadsheets.  She explained that the July and September billings are calculated using a formula derived from our general fund budget, pre-enrollment numbers and assessed valuations.  Billings will be adjusted after the September count day.  She provided individual school billing statements for each Board member to review their schools billings. 

Gwen Freeman moved to approve the 2011-2012 Tuition Billings.  Steve Moan seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.


5.4 Request Approval of the Administrative Contracts
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen recommended approval of the administrative contracts as outlined.  He explained that the title for the Principal will now be Assistant Director/Principal due to Mr. Wilkison's licensing.  Dr. Hagen also made note that the Assistant Director/Principal contranct will now be 220 days as is the Curriculum Director position.


Bill Maschmeyer moved to approve the Administrative Contracts.  Howard Young seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

5.5 2011-2012 Governing Board Meeting Schedule
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen presented the Board with a Meeting Schedule for 2011-2012.  He stated that schedule included meetings for the Governing Board, Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum Directors and Counselors.  He stated that the meeetings have been coordinated so that all information is current that is presented at each meeting.  

Mr. Wood questioned the policy/bylaws regarding reorganization of the Governing Board.   It was decided that Dr. Hagen would check the Central Nine policy and bylaws regarding reorginization.  If he found that it was required to reorganize before the the next Governing Board Meeting, he would call a special session to do so otherwise the reorganization would occur at the July 14, 2011 Governing Board Meeting.


Gwen Freeman moved to approve the 2011-2012 Meeting Schedule.  Greg Waltz seconded the motion.  Motion passed 8-0.

5.6 Request Approval for Out of State Travel - Joe Ramey
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen explained that there had been a change in plans and Mr. Ramey would not be staying overnight so no action would be required for this agenda item.

5.7 Permission to Transfer Appropriations with each Fund as part of Fiscal Year-End Process
Mrs. Payton


Mrs. Payton is requesting permission to transfer appropriations within each fund to balance out the fiscal year end. This process is done annually. No transfers are made from fund to fund, only within each fund.


Howard Young moved to approve the request to transfer appropriations.  Gwen Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

5.8 Request Approval of the Student Fee Schedule for 2011-2012
Ms. Donaldson


Ms. Donaldson presented the board with the Student Fee Schedule for 2011-2012.  She explained that the only difference from last year's schedule is the offering of new programs.

Greg Waltz moved to approve the 2011-2012 Student Fee Schedule.  Beth Prindle seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.


6. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. Hagen

6.1 Superintendents' Meeting Minutes - June 6, 2011


Dr. Hagen presented the Board with notes from the June 6, 2011 Superintendents' Advisory Meeting.

7. Board Member Comments


Greg Waltz informed Dr. Hagen that Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson United School Corporation had hired a new Superintendent.  He suggested that Dr. Hagen make contact with him.  Dr. Hagen assured him that he would get in contact with the new superintendent. 

Bill Maschmeyer asked when updated enrollment numbers would be available.  Dr. Hagen said that as of June 3, 2011, enrollment was at 1429 students. He said that Central Office and High School Office had strongly encouraged all  instructors to keep in contact with these students over the summer so that we can keep the attrition rates low.  Chris Wood suggested that we encourage them to come and visit the campus prior to the start of school.

8. Public Comments


None were presented.

9. Adjournment


Just prior to adjournment, it was questioned who would sign all documents requiring a signature from the Secretary, Carol Tumey who was absent from the meeting.  Chris Wood asked for a motion to appoint a substitute secretary in the absence of the appointed secretary at future meetings. 

Beth Prindle moved that Gwen Freeman be appointed as the substitute secretary in the absence of the appointed secretary.  Howard Young seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.