Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Greg Waltz, Board President

This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.

Mission Statement: To engage, support, and empower students by providing active, career-based learning in an experiential environment.


The virtual meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President, Mr. Greg Waltz.  Mr. Waltz welcomed everyone.

Those in virtual attendance:  Laura Showalter, Benefits Coordinator/Executive Assistant; Michelle Augustine, CTE Innovation Coach; Jessica Smith, Veterinary Instructor; and John Showalter, Facilities Director.

No additions/corrections to the agenda.



2. Items of Action - ACTION

2.1 ADA Sidewalk Change Order


Dr. Kovach explained that in order to gain occupancy of the new buildings, an ADA sidewalk needs to be installed.

Becky Nelson moved for approval of the ADA Sidewalk Change Order.  Steve Johnson seconded the motion.  Motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Greg Waltz, Nineveh Hensley Jackson United School CorporationX  
Mr. Michael Metzger, Greenwood Community School Corporation   
Mr. Steve Johnson, Perry Township SchoolsX  
Dawn Downer, Franklin Township Community School Corporation   
Ms. Becky Nelson, Franklin Community School CorporationX  
Ms. Jill Laker, Beech Grove City SchoolsX  
Linda Polesel, Clark Pleasant Community School CorporationX  
Gary Robinson, Center Grove Community School Corporation   

3. Public Comments


None presented.

4. Board Member Comments


None presented.

5. Adjournment


With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m.