Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Mr. Chris Wood

Mission Statement: We provide the necessary facilities, appropriate equipment, technological instruction and learning environment relevant to business and industrial needs in order to enhance student success.


Mr. Wood called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m.

2. Student Success 2010-2011

Project Lead The Way - Cory Cooper, Instructor
Landscape Management Horticulture - Mr. Joe Ramey, Instructor and Kaitlyn Haehnle student from Center Grove
Welding Technology - Jim Phillips, Instructor and Amanda Faus student from Whiteland High School


Mr. Cooper, Project Lead The Way Instructor presented a video of his Project Lead the Way Engineering students participating in the Indiana Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Alliance's Super Mileage Challenge at Lucas Oil Raceway. The students explained to the Board that the challenge was aimed at finding solutions for the nation's energy needs by creating vehicles built for mileage not speed. Chris Wood, acting President, then presented each student with a Certificate of Achievement.

Jim Phillips, Welding Instructor, then introduced Amanda Faus a senior at Whiteland Community Student. He explained that Amanda won the State Skills USA Competition for her welding sculpture. He informed the Board that Amanda had also just received a $200 scholarship and a welding hood from James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation. He explained that Amanda would be competing in the National Skills USA Competition held in Kansas City, Missouri over the summer. The Board wished her luck and she was presented with a Certificate of Achievement.

Mr. Joe Ramey, Landscape Management/Horticulture Technology Instructor then introduced Kaitlyn Haehnle from Center Grove High and explained that she was awarded the 2011 DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment. Mr. Ramey explained that Kaitlyn received the award for her work ethic, leandership and agricultural work experience. The Board congratulated her and presented her with her certificate from DEKALB.

3. Request for Additions or Amendments to Agenda


Dr. Hagen informed the Board that he wished to postpone Item 5.7. in regards to the upcoming Salary Schedule due to the fact that Greenwood Community has not yet settled their contract. Chris Wood requested to add Item 5.1 Extended Contract and Stipend for Dr. Stephen Hagen.

4. Approve Consent Agenda Items - ACTION

4.1 Financial Report and Claims


Carol Tumey moved to approve the Financial Report and Claims. Gwen Freeman Seconded the Motion. Motion passed 8-0.

4.2 Personnel Recommendations


Dr. Hagen requested approval to hire Mr. Nick Newlon as Facilities Assistant. He shared that Nick has proven to be of valuable assistance on the campus as a volunteer this past school year. He will perform valuable service in needed areas on campus. The hourly rate for this position will be $10.00 per hour for 34 hours per week. Mr. Newlon will intern for the first 30 days through Easter Seals Crossroads who will pay his salary during that time. John Showalter will supervise this position. This position is designed to assist with maintenance and facility issues under the direction of John Showalter, help with general office duties under the direction of Erin Dietrich and serve as an instructional assistant when needed in Graphic Imaging under the direction of Tom Jacobs. Dr. Hagen shared with the Board that hiring Mr. Newlon would not inflate the general fund budget.

Gwen Freeman moved to approve the Personnel Recommendations. Bill Maschmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.

4.3 Approval of Minutes - April 14, 2011


Beth Prindle moved to approve the Executive and Regular Session minutes from the April 14, 2011 Governing Board Meeting. Steve Moan Seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.

5. Items of Action

5.1 Contract for Dr. Hagen


Chris Wood recommended the Board extend Dr. Hagen's contract until June 30, 2014 at the base salary of $112,500.00. He also requested approval to provide Dr. Hagen with a stipend of $10,000 for assuming the principal's responsibilites along with his normal Executive Director's responsibilities from April 1, 2011 until June 30, 2011 and for successfully completing his Ph.D. in Educational Administration in November, 2010.

Howard Young moved approval of the recommendation. Greg Waltz seconded the motion. Motional passed 8-0.

5.2 Request Approval for Out of State Travel
Ms. Donaldson

-High Schools That Work Staff Development Conference - July 20-23, 2011, Nashville, TN
-Skills USA National Contest, June 20-25, 2011, Kansas City, MO
-Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) Seminar - Jim Phillips
-Project Lead The Way Training - Pam Ribelin


Ms. Donaldson explained that she is requesting approval for four different out of state travel requests. The first one is the High Schools That Work Conference that is a annual conference that a selected group of our teachers attend each year. The second is the Skills USA National Contest where Central Nine will be represented by 3 instructors and 5 students. The third and fourth out of state travel requests are for professional development for Jim Phillips and Pam Ribelin.

Bill Maschmeyer moved to approve the Out of State Travel Requests. Beth Prindle seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.

5.3 New Program Offerings
Ms. Donaldson


Ms. Donaldson explained that these are two program offerings that require Board approval so that they can be added to Beech Grove High School's program offerings listed with the Department of Workforce Development.

Howard Young moved to approve the New Program Offerings. Gwen Freeman seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.

5.4 Fitness Trail
Dr. Hagen, Mr. Showalter & Mrs. Payton


Dr. Hagen explained to the Board that this Fitness Trail will be used by three of our program areas for physical training. He also explained that it would be landscaped by the Landscape Management/Horticulture Technology Program. He explained that this would not put a strain on the general budget. Gwen Freeman asked if this trail would be opened to public access. Mr. Maschmeyer stated that he believed that there would no more liability than someone falling in the parking lot. Mrs. Tumey added that she believes that this would add to the asthetics of the campus. Mrs. Payton said we actually have $70,000 left on purchase orders that were earmarked for the sheldter house that can be used for the Fitness Trail.

Steve Moan moved to approve the Fitness Trail. Howard Young seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.

5.5 Tower
Dr. Hagen & Mr. Showalter


Dr. Hagen explained that he is requesting approval for $15,000 to contruct a tower that would link our technology with Greenwood and Clark Pleansant. He said that Mr. West and Mr. Showalter had beenconsulting with Jim White from Whiteland on the project. He explained the tower would be located on campus. Bill Maschmeyer was concerned that the tower may take away from the aesthics of the campus. Dr. Hagen assured that Board that the tower would be placed so that not to distract from the looks of the campus.

Beth Prindle moved for approval for the tower. Carol Tumey seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.

5.6 Insurance Renewal
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen explained that this is a one percent increase from last year but believed it was still a good deal for Central Nine and recommended renewal.

Gwen Freeman moved to approve the Insurance Renewal. Howard Young seconded the motion. Motion approved 8-0.

5.7 Salary Schedule
Dr. Hagen & Mrs. Payton


Dr. Hagen said that he was hopeful to bring this to the Board, however, Greenwood has still not settled on their contract. He told the Board that he would be bringing this back for approval as soon as they had settled their contract.

6. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. Hagen

6.1 Jim Hensley Memorial Shelter House
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen shared a photo of the shelter house that was previously approved by the Board. He said that he plans to have the June Board meeting in the shelter house to dedicate it in the memory of James Hensley.


6.2 Adult Education Upate
Dr. Hagen & Ms. Donaldson


Dr. Hagen shared a Powerpoint presentation to the Board regarding the current status of Adult Education. Ms. Donaldson explained that for our region there was a 6% cut in funding. She shared that some of the challenges that Adult Education is currently facing is the large cuts and reimbursement. She assured the Board that Central Nine is very proactive on workforce training.

6.3 Facilities & Energy Audit
Mr. Showalter


John Showalter presented the Facilities & Energy Audit for each building located on campus. Dr. Hagen inquired about the Transformer that was listed on Building A. Mr. Showalter said that he didn't believe that the transformer should be replaced at this time. He said that the transformers have a extremely long life. Dr. Hagen stated that Mr. Showalter has done a thorough and complete analysis of the building and grounds status with projections.

6.4 Budget Proposal - 1st Reading
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen said that that he will be presenting the budget in June. He plans to present a flat line budget. He explained that we are maximazing use of the funds.

6.5 Awards Day
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen shared with the Board a photo of the students at the annual Awards Day which was held on Friday, May 6, 2011. He explained that this is the first year that the Awards Ceremony was held in the courtyard between Buildings A & B.

6.6 Elkhart Visit
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen shared a thank you note from Elkhart Career Center thanking Central Nine for allowing them to tour our facility. Dr. Hagen expressed how impressed they were with our campus and programs.

6.7 Perkins Update
Dr. Hagen


Dr. Hagen informed the Board that dollars are being cut from the Perkins Grant. They are currently estimating that the budget will be cut by $100,000. Dr. Hagen explained that he does not expect to suggest any reductions in force for those employees paid out of perkins fund. He shared that he is currently working on the grant proposal which is due next week. He reminded the Board that 10 percent of our Perkins money needs to be used to raise the Language Arts Performance Indicator. He stated that he submitted a Improvement plan to the state which was approved.

6.8 May Students of the Month


The Board was presented with the May Students of the Month.


6.9 Daily Journal Article


Dr. Hagen shared with the Board a article that was featured in the Daily Journal. The article reported about the FAFSA day that was held at Central Nine.

7. Principal, Guidance and Curriculum Report
Dr. Hagen

7.1 Blended Learning
Ms. Donaldson


Dr. Hagen began with a principal search update. He stated that the selection committee would be interviewing six candidates next week. He will bring a recommendation for an outstanding candidate to the Board in June.

Ms. Donaldson began by explaining exactly the definition of Blending Learning. Central Nine is planning to implement this initiative with the Culinary Arts 3 program. The initiative would allow students to do their bookwork online and complete assignments at home. It would also extend the time that the restaurant can be open and allow for more catering events.. She explained that this would provide the students with more flexibiliy and prepare them for college. Ms. Donaldson said that Mr. Schubert, the instructor, is very excited about this initiative. She shared a chart that shows the growth of online learning. Dr. Hagen stated that Graphic Imaging will be trying this with a few seniors only. Dr. Hagen explained that students will come to campus 3 days per week and do their classwork the other two days. He stated that the students will be provided with IPADS to complete their assignments.

8. Board Member Comments


Bill Maschmeyer thanked the Board and the school for all the thoughts, prayers and flowers on the passing of his father.

Carol Tumey shared that she has spoke with a friend that attended the plant sale and said it was a huge success. She also shared that she had lunch in the restaurant and was amazed how crowded it was. She was very excited to see the restaurant doing so well.

9. Public Comments


None presented.

10. Adjournment


Howard Young moved to adjourn the regular session of the Board meeting at 9:17 p.m. Bill Maschmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0.