Governing Board Meeting

1. Pledge and Welcome
Greg Waltz, Board President

This meeting is a meeting of the Governing Board in public for the purpose of conducting the Career Center's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There will be time for public participation as indicated by a specified agenda item.
Mission Statement:  To engage, support, and empower students by providing active, career-based learning in an experiential environment.


Mr. Greg Waltz, President called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Mr. Waltz welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Others in attendance:  April McManus representing Beech Grove City Schools in the absence of Jill Laker; Alvin Bible, C9TA Representative; Corinna Vonderwell, Student Service Coordinator; Mike Quaranta, Assistant Director and Michelle Davis, Adult Education Director.

No changes or additions to the agenda were presented.

2. Program Showcase - Auto Service Technology
Steve Owen and Andrice Tucker, Instructors


Steve Owen and Andrice Tucker, Auto Service Instructors introduced their students and explained the curriculum outline of Auto Service Technology.

3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items


Dawn Downer moved for approval of the Consent Agenda Items as presented.  Gary Robinson seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

3.1 Financial Report and Claims

3.2 Personnel Recommendations
  • No High School Personnel Report

3.3 Minutes for Approval

3.4 Donations

4. Old Business

4.1 Update on Building Project


Dr. Kovach gave an update on the current building project.  

5. Items of Action - ACTION

5.1 Request Approval of Board Policy Revisions

5.2 Request Approval for CASE Construction to Install Driveway to Electrical Transformer for Building Project


Dr. Kovach explained that due to the fact that Duke Energy is requiring us to install a driveway to the electrical transformer for the building project, he requested approval to move forward with the installation of the driveway.  Dr. Kovach explained that the cost would be taken from the 4.75 million building project funds.

Steve Johnson moved for approval for CASE Construction to install the driveway to the electrical transformer.  Dawn Downer seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

6. Director's Comments and Items of Information
Dr. Kovach, Director

6.1 September Students of the Month


Dr. Kovach shared the September Students of the Month (attached).

6.2 Upcoming Dates and Events

September 21, 2023 - Advisory Board Banquet
October 9-13, 2023 - Fall Break
October 16, 2023 - Classes Resume
Next Governing Board Meeting - October 5, 2023- Program Showcase:  CERT:  Fire Science and EMS


Dr. Kovach shared the upcoming dates and events.

7. High School Division Update


Mike Quaranta shared the High School Division Update (attached).

8. Adult Education Division Action and Items of Information

8.1 Approval of Adult Education Personnel Report


Michelle Davis requested approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report.

Dawn Downer moved for approval of the Adult Education Personnel Report as presented.  Linda Polesel seconded the motion.  Motion passed 7-0.

9. Adult Education Monthly Update

10. Public Comments


None presented.

11. Board Member Comments


Mr. Waltz stated that he would be unable to attend the October 5, 2023 Governing Board Meeting due to interviews for the NHJ Superintendent.  Dawn Downer agreed to run the meeting in his absence.

Becky Nelson thanked the Board for their sympathy card on the passing of her sister.



12. Adjournment


With no further business, Dawn Downer moved for adjournment at 7:28 p.m.